Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tu B'Shevat Parable

Talmudic Reflections for Tu B'Shevat
A man was journeying in a desert. He was hungry, weary, and thirsty. He found a tree whose fruits were sweet, its shade pleasant, with a stream of water flowing beneath it. He ate of its fruits, drank from the water, and rested under its shade. When he was ready to continue his journey, he said, "Tree, O Tree with what shall I bless you? Shall I say to you, 'May your fruits be sweet'? They are already sweet. That your shade be pleasant? It is already pleasant. That a stream of water may flow beneath you? Lo, a stream of cool water flows already beneath you. Therefore, I say, May it be God's will that all the shoots taken from you will be like you."                         Bavli Ta'anit 8a-b
Much like the man in the parable, we are on a journey through the desert. The Israelites found sustenance from God and faithfully collected manna from Heaven six days a week. It is not always easy to recognize the oasis in the desert; sometimes it appears to be a mirage. On this holiday of Tu B'Shevat, I pray that with God's help we can open our eyes to recognize the blessings in our lives and that like the well watered, shady fruit tree in the parable, that our saplings continue to enjoy and share those blessings.
May you and yours have a restful, and fruitful, and enjoyable New Year of the Trees.

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