Thursday, May 17, 2012

End of Passover

     Hope everyone is having a happy and healthy holiday. As we prepare for the end of the hag I have the triumphant melody of the Song of the Sea, the romantic melody of the Song of Songs, and the hauntingly poignant melody of the Yizkor memorial service running through my head. Please make every effort to join us for services Friday morning, Friday night, and Shabbat morning as Chazzan Winter leads us in these beautiful yuntif and Shabbat services. 
     Moses Maimonides, perhaps our nation's greatest Jewish philosopher, emphases in his seminal work, Yad Hazaka: The Mighty Arm, that it's not enough just to sit back and enjoy the chazzan's davening; rather that the words of our inspirational liturgy are intended to move us to action.  It's not enough just to remember our loved ones at Yizkor this Passover but we're also intended to light a memorial candle, attend services, and make a donation to a worthy cause in their memories.

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