Thursday, May 17, 2012


This coming Wednesday, April 4th, our Talmud Class will be completing the study of the first chapter of tractate Shabbat Yitziot haShabbat, which means Sabbath boundaries.  The final mishna or teaching of this chapter concerns the prohibition against roasting meat on Friday unless there is sufficient time for it to be cooked before sundown.  The exception to this rule is the Passover sacrifice of the Pascal lamb.  When we conclude the study of one chapter we immediately begin the study of the next, so this is a great opportunity to join the Talmud class.  Chapter 2, Bameh Madlikin, concerns the laws of lighting Shabbos candles. 

Our Talmud class has been studying this chapter for a few years and the completion of this powerful text calls for a celebration.  We will be holding the siyyum (celebration of completion) this coming Friday morning at a special morning minyan beginning with tallis and tefilin at 7:30.  Everyone is invited to join us, especially if you are the first born in your family.  In which case, attendance at this seudat mitzvah (commanded feast) will absolve you from the requirement to fast the day before Passover.  The reason that first born Jews fast before Passover is because we recognize the suffering God inflicted upon the Egyptians during the tenth plague in order to secure our liberation.  We will also be joined by our friends from the Kol Emet minyan.

This will be your last opportunity to sell me your chometz before Passover, which begins with the First Seder at sunset. Forms are available in the office or you can download one by clicking 2012 Sale of Chometz.  If you are planning on bringing your leftover chometz to me, please place it in a paper bag (which is easy to burn) so that we don't get any crumbs in the synagogue.

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