Thursday, November 17, 2011

Chaplain's Hill

Shalom Haverim,

Last month I wrote our bulletin, The Voice, about the effort to have a plaque placed on Chaplain's Hill at Arlington Natl. Cemetery to memorialize Jewish chaplains. 
It's been a tremendous struggle to gain recognition for the 14 Jewish Chaplains that made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, but it's finally happening! There will be a commemorative ceremony honoring fallen Jewish military chaplains on Tuesday, Oct. 18, at 2 p.m at the new National Jewish History Museum. A plaque honoring the chaplains will be on view at the Museum from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.  The plaque will be installed at the end of October on Chaplains Hill at Arlington National Cemetery. A Museum military-themed highlights tour will be available for museum guests during the day.   
Would you like to join me on October 18th for the moving service at 2pm when we'll say the kaddish for our fallen Jewish Chaplains? If so then I will organize a special Sukkot Jewish Heritage trip for that afternoon. Please let me know by October 14th, so arrangements can be made.
My family and I are looking forward to welcoming you into our sukkah this Sunday for our annual interfaith openhouse.  Please stop by.
Hag sameach,
 Rabbi Shalom Plotkin

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