Thursday, November 17, 2011

Salute to Israel

We have been getting tremendous positive feedback on the Salute to Israel that we hosted this past month.  Our honoree, Bill Sutter of the Friends of Israel, spoke magnificently about his love for Israel while quoting extensively from the Torah, Psalms, and Prophets. For those of you in attendance, you’ll know what I’m talking about, when I say that the camaraderie, and the spirit of hundreds of Christians and Jews raising their voices together to sing Hatikvah, was profoundly uplifting.  My heart swells with pride that we were able to bring together such a passionate group of diverse people in order to support our beloved Eretz Yisrael.
Most of the hard work and dialogue of interfaith relations takes place behind the scenes and relationships take years to develop, but every once in a long while we’re able to come together to celebrate, to support one another, or to raise money for a common cause and the result is overwhelming.  This past month we did all of these things.   We put Brothers of Israel on the map as a leader in interfaith relations in our Jewish community, made a lot of new friends in the broader community, and raised over $3,000 for the American Friends of Magen David Adom, and over $1,000 for the Jewish National Fund to plant trees. 

The Israel Forum, under the leadership of Alan and Albert,  is already hard at work planning a follow-up event.  I wouldn’t blame Lou, Frank, Allan, Dan, Mike, and Fred if they decided they wanted to take a break for awhile, but we’re on a roll and there’s no stopping us now!  If you would like to receive a commemorative posted envelope (collectable cachet) from the afternoon like the one framed over the piano in our lobby, please call the office or speak with Dan Schreiber.

This coming Shabbat, Friday night May 6th, our fourth graders will be leading our services and singing Hatikvah with our choir in honor of Yom Ha’Zikaron and Yom Ha’Atzma’ut, Israel’s Memorial Day and Independence Day, which will be observed this year after Mother’s Day, on Monday and Tuesday, May 9th and May 10th.  Additionally our Cantor, Ellen and the rest of the choir will be sharing a special Zionist Friday Night Live with us on May 2oth.

On Passover there was a group of us that were able to say “This year in Jerusalem,” because of our upcoming trips to the Holy Land.  If you would like to appoint me your shaliach, I would be honored to carry a note to the Kotel for you and place it in the wall along with our prayers.

Happy Yom Ha’Atzma’ut,
Rabbi Shalom Plotkin

I would like to share with you the beautiful note I received from William Sutter.

March 30, 2011

Dear Rabbi Plotkin,
     This is to express my deepest appreciation to you and Congregation Brothers of Israel for the wonderful event last Sunday afternoon.  Your “Salute” was received by me and the Christians who attended, as a wonderful blessing from the Lord.
     I know that it took many of your people to plan, program, and guide such a successful event.
     I believe everyone, Christians and Jews alike, had a strong sense that what Brothers of Israel had accomplished was historic.
     My colleagues at The Friends of Israel and I are in awe of the custom, stained glass, artistic creation featuring the Star of David along with the unique commemorative envelope.
     Words fall short of expressing our real heart-felt appreciation to you and your people.  Surely, the Lord is pleased.
     May you and the members of Congregation Brothers of Israel be blessed in your activities and service for the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
                                                                                      William Sutter

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