Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rainbow Covenant

In this week’s parsha, God promises Noah and all mankind that He will never again cause a deluge that destroys the world.  The sign of his covenant is the rainbow, which is a symbol of peace between God and His children.  This Friday night we have an opportunity to celebrate consecration with our children in the Alef Class.  They have begun to learn their prayers and they have earned their first prayer book, Siddurenu.  Their families’ commitment to Torah, learning, and Yiddishkeit and the sweet voices of the children singing Shalom Aleichem will brighten up our sanctuary like a rainbow.  Whenever we see a rainbow we say this blessing;      Blessed are You, Hashem, our God, Creator of the universe,
    Who remembers the covenant,  is trustworthy in His covenant,  and fulfills His word.
Please join me this weekend in blessing our synagogue’s children.
Yasher koach to Eric who will be helping me to read Torah this Shabbat.   And Mazel Tov to Dr. Mark who will be chanting the Haftorah he read 50 years ago at his Bar Mitzvah.

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